Monday, December 7, 2009

Shooting the Scene

Another photo during my trip last week to Bremerton, Washington. Again, I raced out to get the moonrise, right at sunset and dusk. There was a public access to the pier, in which I was able to get away from a lot of the harbor clutter and get a much better angle.

This is an image in which I did not use any gradient filter. So the scene was this spectacular. It's also a little bit funny. It almost looks like the 5-inch turret gun on the USS Turner Joy is shooting a round of moon. Looks like the moon came from the gun.

For post-process, I just used Canons DPP software to convert from RAW to a TIFF. Then, just did some levels. That's it!


About Me

San Diego, California, United States
Thanks for checking out my photography blog. I am a photographer from America's finest city, San Diego, California. This blog is just a regular update of what I am photographing or what catches my fancy, when I am out and about with my camera. So subscribe and stay up-to-date with my latest photographic adventures.


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